Current staff may request a different shift through this online portal. This shift may be one that is open, soon-to-be-open or not yet open. Shift assignment is made on “best fit” for the house and client(s) and not guaranteed.
(Note: for CLIENT emergency food and water please contact Tracie Dutton in Client Finance)
Kokua Staff Training Request:
House Cross-Training Request:
Note: If the site you are requesting training for is within the acorn of your assigned site, it is a requirement to complete the delegation process for that site.
Office Staff Supply Request Form
Office Staff Use Only.
Office staff may pick up supplies on-hand from the supply closet. All other supply purchases must be pre-approved. Please fill out the form below to request the item(s). Bennilyn, Sean and Marsha will meet weekly to discuss requests and approve those we deem necessary.
C2 Reservation Request Form
All Requests for the space will be considered and you will receive notice within two business days if we are able to accommodate your need.
As a shared space please be respectful and follow the below guidelines. Thank you!
Provide at least one week’s notice.
Kokua will have tables and chairs available for all events. You will need to set up your own room, we ask that the office and lobby chairs not be used.
Return the room to its original setup. A photo (to the left is provided to use as a helpful guide).
Remove any food or beverages brought in for your function.
Take out any garbage created by your function.
Take away any paperwork from your function.
Wipe down tables after use.
Please bring your own plates and utensils if possible. If you need to use what is available in the room, please clean and return them to their cupboard or drawer when you leave.
If your function is during work hours, please be respectful of those working in nearby offices.
Pager Schedule:
At times the Kokua On-Call Phone may not answer staff calls, or a staff may need additional support with an issue. Though we encourage most calls to be handled by the On-Call staff at the 360-790-5916 number, when you need to “page up” please consult this schedule.
Phone Numbers:
Sean - (360) 890-1112
Misha - (360) 764-3154
Cari - (360) 790-5892
2024 Pager Schedule
Sean May 6th-12th
Cari May 13th-19th
Misha May 20th-26th
Sean May/June 27th-2nd
Cari June 3rd-9th
Misha June 10th-16th
Sean June 17th-23rd
Cari June 24th-30th
Misha July 1st-7th
Sean July 8th-14th
Cari July 15th-21st
Misha July 22nd-28th
Sean July/Aug 29th-4th
Cari August 5th-11th
Misha August 12th-18th
Sean August 19th-25th
Cari Aug/Sept 26th-1st
Misha September 2nd-8th
Sean September 9th-15th
Cari September 16th-22nd
Misha September 23rd-29th
Sean Sept/Oct 30th-6th
Cari October 7th-13th
Misha October 14th-20th
Sean October 21st-27th
Cari Oct/Nov 28th-3rd
Misha November 4th-10th
Sean November 11th-17th
Cari November 18th-24th
Misha Nov/Dec 25th-1st
Sean December 2nd-8th
Cari December 9th-15th
Misha December 16th-22nd
Sean December 23rd-29th
Cari Dec/Jan 30th-5th
Note: Always call 911 before calling on-call or the pager person if this is a client safety emergency.
Julie Clark is not only a client of Kokua, but an active member of her community, an advocate with People First of WA, a member of Kokua’s Board of Directors and an employee of the agency. Julie meets with each new employee to discuss respectful caregiving. She was gracious enough to allow us to use her video on our site. Click to view her presentation.
Current COVID Testing Procedures Edited 12/23/2021
If a staff member or client is experiencing COVID related symptoms:
Any staff member experiencing COVID related symptoms will be off until:
Staff has provided negative COVID test results OR a clearance from a medical provider AND;
No fever within 24 hours without fever reducing medications and improvement of symptoms.
Any client that is experiencing COVID related symptoms:
Seek guidance from a medical provider
If tested, site will go into Hot House Procedure
If a staff member or client tests positive:
Staff Follow-Up:
Staff must complete isolation period per DOH guidelines before return to work.
Report testing and results
Kokua Site Follow-Up:
If they had not been onsite during their contagion period:
Report testing and results
If they had been onsite during their contagion period:
Activate Hot House Protocol at affected locations
All staff who worked at that site from first exposure, during contagion period, will need to be tested immediately and at 5-7 days from last exposure. If all testing is negative, no further testing needed, and isolation period ends after 7 days (for vaccinated clients/staff.) Unvaccinated clients will need to complete a 14-day isolation period, continuing to test every 3-7 days.
If any testing returns positive results, continue testing every 3-7 days until 14 days have passed with no new positive cases.
Report testing and results
If a staff member or client has exposure to positive person:
If they live with the individual:
Staff will remain off during the positive person’s isolation period.
After isolation period has ended, staff may return while receiving testing at 2-3 days and 5-7 days post isolation period.
Exposed staff will not be able to work if they begin exhibiting symptoms or receive a positive COVID test.
If they do not live with the individual
Staff may work if they are asymptomatic.
Staff will receive testing at 2-3 days and 5-7 days post exposure.
Exposed staff will immediately be pulled if they being to exhibit symptoms or receive a positive COVID test.
Travel Guidelines:
Recommendations for all travel:
Avoid crowds and social distance to the best of your ability
Wear a mask while in public and on public transportation
Wash hands often or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer (containing at least 60% alcohol)
Self-Monitor for symptoms during and after travel.
Guidelines for Domestic Travel:
After travel, self-monitor for symptoms and report any symptoms to on-call right away.
Guidelines for International Travel:
Get tested 3-5 days after your return.
Quarantine for 7 full days after return; if unable to get tested, a full 14-day quarantine will be required.
Self-monitor for symptoms and report any symptoms to on-call right away.
Current Definitions:
Contagion Period (Per DOH):
Two days prior to the onset of symptoms or positive COVID-19 test, if asymptomatic
Exposure (Per DOH):
Being in an affected area or in close contact with a positive individual for 15 or more cumulated minutes in a 24 hour period.
Hot House Procedure (Per Kokua):
Staff will wear face shields, N95 masks, and gowns at all times while in the home. Gloves are to be worn during all personal care as per standard procedure.
Social visits and events will be rescheduled.
Non-emergent medical visits will be rescheduled. If unsure about rescheduling needs, contact the respective provider’s office, explain the situation (while maintaining confidentiality) and follow their recommendations for the appointment.
Isolation Period (Per DOH):
For confirmed COVID-19 with symptoms
It’s been at least 24 hours with no fever without using fever-reducing medication AND symptoms have improved AND At least 10 days since symptoms first appeared.
For confirmed COVID-19 without symptoms
At least 10 days have passed since the date of first positive COVID-19 test AND no subsequent illness.
Symptoms (Per DOH):
Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. People with these symptoms or combinations of symptoms may have COVID-19:
Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
Muscle pain
Sore throat
New loss of taste or smell
Other less common symptoms include nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea
Testing/Test Results:
Kokua is only able to accept testing done at a testing facility and cannot accept “at home” test results.
Kokua is able to do some testing at the office. However, it is only available for asymptomatic staff and testing supplies are limited.
Kokua must receive a copy of results; will be accepted via email, text or physical paper results (please do not bring results to the office if you are symptomatic or COVID positive)
Warm Zone (Per Kokua):
Currently, this only applies to the Kokua Office.
N95s should be worn at all times while in the building.
Non-essential visits should be postponed.